Monday, February 20, 2012

Good god, how did you people live like this...?

My 24 hour fast was one of the most painful, boring experiences of my life.  I am most certainly a child of the 21st Century, and while I can survive without my technology, I REALLY don't want to.  It would have been easier if I had been at home since I have more than just textbooks there.  The problem with this, though, is that without my computer, 3DS, and Wii, I had nothing with which to amuse myself.  I couldn't get in touch with friends without my phone since I don't feel comfortable just showing up, and I had only textbooks to read.  I ended up doing it from midnight on Friday until midnight on Saturday.  What did I do?  Slept, for the most part.  Then I ate and slept some more.  As a disclaimer, since I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation to text if I had my phone with me to take pictures, and I don't own a digital camera, all of these pictures were taken after the fast ended.  If lighting or something seems not to correspond to when I did something, that's why; I took these pictures the next day.

At midnight, I took a long shower (to kill time) and took four Tylenol PM before going to bed.  That managed to knock me out until about 2 pm.  With 14 hours taken up by prolonged bathing and hibernation, I took a long stroll to Central and ate until about 4 pm at which point I took a long stroll back to my dorm and leisurely ascended the stairs.

Like I said, I slept. A lot.

Sedatives help when you're trying to sleep a day away

Eating slowly managed to kill about another hour than it otherwise would have.

Going from the first floor to the seventh floor at a snail's pace doesn't take nearly as long as I had hoped

I was able to put off getting back to my room until 4:30.  With the last seven and a half hours of my torture, I decided to read ahead in some of my textbooks since I had exhausted most other options that didn't involve driving (gas is expensive).  I read in my political science textbook and my supplemental book for that class (Theories of International Relations and Zombies) until I finished the next couple chapters in the textbook and altogether finished the supplemental book.  Then I turned to my psychology textbook for more reading.

Foreign policy is much less interesting when you know the option of rewarding yourself with Pokémon after you finish is off the table

At least this book is interesting. I love zombies, and I love politics; this was the one redeeming part of my non-digital options list.

Educational Psychology - boring under normal circumstances; brutal under these circumstances

At 8, with nothing else to read, I decided to take a stroll through Durham Park.  Again, with technology tempting me back in my dorm, I didn't enjoy my walk nearly as much as I might have otherwise.  That managed to kill an hour before I got cold and wanted to go back inside.

Like I said in the beginning, the reason the park is way brighter than is should be at 8 pm was because I was alone, so no one else could photograph me, and I don't own a digital camera. I didn't trust myself to use my phone strictly for picture taking, so I took this picture on Sunday.

When I got back to my room at roughly 9, I decided to write some poetry.  It's somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine.  It's not a guilty pleasure because I think that poetry is "girly" or "gay" or anything; I consider it a guilty pleasure because I'm terrible at it.  For that reason, I opted not to take a picture of the actual poem; I don't want you people seeing just how bad a poet I am.

This piece of paper will serve to represent the poem I do not wish to share

After I finished my writing at about 9:45, I really decided to break from my norm and work out a little bit.  I spent the next fifteen minutes doing crunches and push ups which, as you can probably tell from looking at my scrawny arms and my slight gut during class, didn't amount to a lot of repetitions.

Since I don't want the world to see how pudgy I am, this is what I wish I looked like after working out (minus the green skin, of course).

At 10, I took another hour long shower.  At 11 or so, I killed the last hour flipping through the interesting parts of my astronomy textbook.  I didn't read this book earlier because my teacher doesn't use it; I opted to spend my time reading textbooks on which I'll be tested.

Showers always feel the best when you take them to avoid doing something else (in this case, suffering through not using digital technology).

I won't be tested on the book, but I've always been really interested in astronomy, so it makes for a good time killer.

When the glorious hour of midnight finally rolled around, I immediately grabbed my 3DS and started playing the Resident Evil game that I bought on Friday before I started my fast (that was another mistake; HUGE painful temptation there).

Free at last, free at last!

Back where I belong - wired to a fault